EVENT - Exercise Nº 1 by Helena Dong

This Saturday, join interviewee #4, Helena Dong, as she launches her newest film, Exercise Nº 1. 

A rhythmic narration of gestures shaped by the anecdotes of twenty-seven creative individuals, Exercise Nº 1 attempts to interpret fashion as a series of interactions between the wearer, the observer, and the garment.

We're so excited to see this project, as Helena worked with an Asian-Australian team.
Exercise Nº 1 was directed by Helena, with cinematography by Kevin Cheung, hair and makeup by Hannah Cheng; it also includes a poem by our editor, Leah McIntosh. 

Helena's film will be screened  alongside films from RMIT third year students of Bachelor of Fashion Design (Hons), as they venture into a variety of fashion-related concepts—from translating fashion into an experience, to dissecting its social construct. 

Saturday, June 17, 6pm at RMIT Storey Hall. Event here.


Direction by Helena Dong.
Photographs by Kevin Cheung.
Hair and Makeup by Hannah Cheng.