In 2018, brought together by their love of comics and hatred of mediocrity, artist Rachel Ang and Liminal editor Leah Jing McIntosh founded Comic Sans. A serialised anthology for Australian comics artists of colour, Comic Sans was published in print form from 2018—2019.
This is the first digital publication of the series, in celebration of LIMINAL’s fourth birthday.
Comic Sans features work by artists Claudia Chinyere Akole, Pey Chi, Zachary Durian, Madison Griffiths, Matt Huynh, Tara Kenny, Lee Lai, Kim Lam, Gabby Loo, Humyara Mahbub, Soolagna Majumdar, Hiro McL, Peo Michie, Mia Nie, Thom Nguyen, Hien Pham, Jason Phu, Rani Pramesti, Ariel Ries, Meg O’Shea, Cindy Saja, Meng Tsung Lee, and urbigfrog.
This project was supported by our 2018 Pozible campaign.
Thank you to our supporters for making this project possible.