Posts in Interview
Interview #205 — Shelley Parker-Chan

“There’s often pressure from publishing to tell a particular kind of Asian or immigrant story, but I wanted to show an ambivalence to the specific culture I came out of. In some respects I'm proud of it, and in others, it stifled who I actually was. How do we sit with that?”

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2, InterviewLeah McIntosh
Interview #201—Mimi Kwa

‘When I land on the right words to describe what I want to understand and/or convey, it is like a burst of colour, an incredible “a-ha” moment and feeling of peaceful validation, because when the words exist, our experiences seem all the more real.’

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2, InterviewCher Tan
Interview #199—Rosheen Kaul

“Whinging and crying that you can make the same dish at home for $6 and that paying $28 is expensive is so misguided, and prevents any sort of progress in hospitality. If the industry could offer better wages, we could hire more staff, and people wouldn’t have to work 60+ hour weeks at minimum wage.”

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2, InterviewLeah McIntosh
Interview #196 — Cecile Richard

‘I made most of my friends online. It means a lot to me to have an online space to be yourself, chill out with people, muck around and make jokes. There’s been lots of attempts to make professional versions of those spaces in the past year, but I find them boring.’

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2, InterviewCher Tan
Interview #190 — Neha Kale

‘For so long, art criticism has been seen as this hermetically sealed bubble, propped up by old white men and their faux-universal perspectives and I love— and feel encouraged by—people thinking and writing about art as if it’s something with real stakes.’

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2, InterviewLeah McIntosh