Year of the Ox
by Andrew Brooks & Arvind Rosa Brooks
A Note on the Images
‘The images require a small amount of explanation: for stanza one, I asked Vinnie to draw and tell me things she loves some of which made their way into the poem (spiders, broccoli pasta, 'Brimful of Asha (Fatboy Slim remix)', blackberries). Stanza two is much more straightforward—an image of an ox and a rat.’
Arvind Rosa Brooks is four years old. She is into playing, music, the beach. She lives with her parents and cat on unceded Wangal country and if you come over to her house she’d like to show you her toys. Her current favourite snack is an anchovy straight from the jar.
Andrew Brooks lives on unceded Wangal land and lectures in Media Cultures at UNSW. He is a founding member of the Infrastructural Inequalities research network, one half of the critical art collective Snack Syndicate and a co-editor of the publishing collective Rosa Press. He is the author of Homework (2021), a book of essays on art and politics co-written with Astrid Lorange, and the poetry collection Inferno (2021). His current favourite snack is a kimchi toastie.