Kezia Yap
Kezia Yap’s creations are an exploration of timbre and space, secret whispers between sound and silence, facilitating conversations between organic & manufactured sonic materials.
In a time of constant aural bombardment, it is refreshing to be forced to pay attention to the greater environment, to acknowledge the musicality within the absence of music.
Photograph by Ciaeran Frame
Kezia’s growing list of accomplishments is nothing less than impressive. In recent years, she has been commissioned by various ensembles and performers including Penrith Symphony Orchestra, six-four, Dan Thorpe and Richard Narroway, and taken part in New Music festivals and residencies around the world including Connecticut Summerfest, and ATM in Seoul in 2017, and more recently, the Madeira Residency, and June in Buffalo in 2018. Her music has been premiered and performed around Australia, as well as around the US, in the UK, Portugal and South Korea, broadcasted on ABC Classic FM, Fine Music 102.5, and she has been a featured composer on the Making Waves new music playlist.
Kezia’s compositions will be performed as part of the November recital of Art Gallery of NSW’s ‘Classical Sundays at the Studio’ series.
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Curated by Non Chalant