Posts in Interview
Interview #185 — Alice Pung

‘When I visit schools to give talks, it means I get to show students that this is what an author looks like— I’d never had an Asian-Australian writer visit when I was in school, so on a personal level I understand the significance and privilege of the position.’

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Interview #178 — Eugene Yang

‘I think a power I want to hold to account or challenge is actually cultural power—where it’s about challenging an internalised view that a listener has. I think that is a really significant kind of power that largely goes unquestioned.’

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Interview #172—Jon Tjhia

‘There’s art and there’s direct, material political work to be done. Are they really so separate? Art lends complication, confrontation and possibility to our understandings of each other; it offers both critical and imaginative potential.’

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2, InterviewLeah McIntosh
Interview #169 — Ling Ang

‘I’ve always loved new digital technology and how we can tell stories with them. Learning about the advancement in 3D and realising how much of it had seeped in around me, it seemed like such a wild way to reinterpret the dreams.’

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2, InterviewLeah McIntosh